
Showing posts from 2019

HTTP callout from LWC

HTTP callout from Lightning Web Components? Is it similar to Lightning (Aura) components? Or is something better available in modern JavaScript? Do we still require Apex to make the callout? Or can we handle it all on the client side itself? Have similar questions in your mind? Then continue reading this blog post. Today, we will see how to make an HTTP callout from a Lightning Web Component. Good news - we do not require any apex class to make the callout. In the JavaScript controller of our lightning web component, we can easily make the web service callout by making use of the fetch method. For this example, we will use the free API provided by Crypto Compare . The API returns the response in JSON format, which we will parse and feed to the HTML file. The component will make the HTTP callout to bring in the price of the top 10 cryptocurrencies and display them in a lightning card. To make the callout from the Lightning web component, first, we need to add the endpoint URL in...

Communication between LWC components

Today, we will see how to communicate between the LWC components. We will cover parent to child component communication and vice versa. We will see the various ways in which we can communicate between aura components and then we will compare it with the ways available to communicate between LWC components. A side by side comparison will help to have a better understanding of how things work in LWC. Aura Components LWC Communication from the parent component to the child component 1. Passing attributes: We can pass attribute from parent component to child component. The binding between attributes can be one-way binding or two-way binding.  1. Public property: Creating a public property in the child component and passing the value from the parent component. Public property is reactive in nature. 2. Aura method: Define an aura method in the child component and call it from the parent component. Aura methods cannot return a value. 2. Public method: Create a public m...

Building simple LWC components - Part 1

In this series, we will learn how to create simple LWC components without writing any apex code. There are various ways provided by Salesforce to fetch data from the database without the developer requiring to write even a single line of Apex. In this blog, we will have a look at wire service to retrieve data from the server. LWC uses a reactive wire service that is built on Lightning Data Service. Components use @wire annotation in the JS class file to read data from one of the wire adapters in lightning/ui*Api modules. We will build a simple LWC component that will get the account record id from the Account record page and fetch the account data using wire service. The account details will be displayed in a header component styled using SLDS. We will also use the lightning-map component to show the account address on the google map. Below is the HTML markup for the LWC component accountInfo.html <template>   <div class="slds-page-header">    ...

Converting Lightning component to LWC

Today we will see how can we convert an existing Lightning Component to Lightning Web Component (LWC). I will convert the Org Limits Lightning component that I published in my last blog spot to a LWC component. The basic structure of a lightning web component consists of a HTML file, a JS file and a xml file. The .html file in LWC is equivalent to the .cmp file present in Aura.  The .js file in LWC is equivalent to the combination of controller.js and helper.js files present in Aura The xml file in LWC contains the meta information such as api version.  Lets see step by step how to convert the Org Limits component. First we will convert the OrgLimits.cmp to orgLimitsLWC.html <aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" controller="OrgLimitsCtrl"> The <aura:component> tag in LC gets replaced by <template> tag in LWC. The implements attribute containing value flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes gets shifted to the xm...

Org Limits Lightning component

In Summer 19, Salesforce introduced a new class named OrgLimit under the System namespace. The System.OrgLimit class contains methods that return the name, current value, and maximum limit for an instance. By utilizing information from this class, I have created a lightning component that will be useful for the Org admin and developers. This component lists down all the org limit, its current usage and the maximum limit. The component gets the org limits by making use of the OrgLimit class and displays the data in a tabular format. You can also refresh the component by clicking on the Refresh icon present at the top right corner. The refresh icon also displays the time when the component was last refreshed. Below is the code for the lightning component: OrgLimits.cmp <aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" controller="OrgLimitsCtrl">       <!-- Attributes -->     <aura:attribute name="orgLimitInfo" ...